Stoke Staffs LEP

The Regulation for Growth team is split into a number of teams each pursuing a number of different activities.

[accordions] [accordion title=”Regulatory Charter Group“]

A charter for regulators and business in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire has been developed to be signed by local and national regulators, business organisations and businesses. This charter sets out a commitment of all signees to recognise respective responsibilities that each party has with reference to regulation surrounding business. It promotes fairness and consistent regulation for businesses without unnecessary burden while ensuring protection of both the public and environment from harm.

The Charter commits regulatory services to principles of proportionality, accountability, transparency and consistency, and to engaging in targeted regulatory activities rather than interventions driven by numbers or performance targets

The Charter commits the business community to adopt an open, constructive and transparent approach to their dealings with regulators in order to build a positive two way relationship.

A Regulatory Charter signing event is planned to take place during the summer of 2014.

[/accordion] [accordion title=”Creating Changing Culture Group“]

The role of the Creating Cultural Change working group is to improve the current working relationship of businesses and regulators, with an understanding of both parties’ specific roles of applying and compliance with regulation. Much of this work will focus on encouraging active conversation discussing issues and better approaches to regulation between all regulatory stakeholders in our LEP area including businesses.

An organisational awareness event is soon to be hosted by the LEP and organised by the members of this group. The event will allow regulators (both national and local) to talk to each other about innovative approaches to delivering regulation in ways that support sustainable growth.

[/accordion] [accordion title=”Communicating Business Advice“]

The Communicating Business Advice working group is working on ways to improve the way that regulatory advice is communicated to businesses in our LEP. This is to make it easier to access and to improve the quality, consistency and variety of information available.

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