How Education Providers will benefit from the Education Trust
The Education Trust is developing a local skills system that will help equip pupils with the skills they need to gain future employment.
We believe that motivating young people to think about their future career path from an early age will give a new focus to learning.
The Education Trust aims to support schools, colleges and other education providers to provide information, advice and guidance (IAG) that reflects future job opportunities and skills needs. Out of school STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and related initiatives and careers are already a big part of the future skills agenda in Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire.
We want to work with primary and secondary schools to help them reflect the needs of STEM related careers through the school curriculum, through IAG, work experience and teacher professional development.
In Further Education we want to take advantage of the links already forged with businesses, and help them to take this engagement to the next level.
Our deep research of local business needs means we can offer you a very clear evidence base to help identify the courses you might consider running. We will advise on the type of qualifications required, their content, desirable skills, behaviours and the attitudes needed for specific career choices – and all backed up with hard data.
The Education Trust will help further education and training providers gain access to future employers and our future skills evidence base. We can also offer a whole series of professional links which will help students start their courses or apprenticeships pre-equipped to make the experience a success.
Working with you we want to be able to inspire young people to raise their aspirations and follow an education and skills pathway which will give them a good chance of accessing local jobs with real career prospects.
We are currently working with education providers in four pilot areas to develop a continuous careers offer from primary school right through to work. Long term, we hope to work with you to expand this right across Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire.
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